Tuesday, August 7, 2012

And the next layer is . . .

NEW Chapter!  So first of all today marks the new school year!  We have 2 very excited and happy children which means 2 very happy and excited parents.  We are positively optimistic about the teachers that each daughter has for the year and hope to make big strides academically this year.

Just home from my last Orthopaedic Surgeon's appointment.  Since April 24th when I fantastically broke my radius bone off and dislocated my ulna, I have had a plate and screws and done 20 apts. of hand therapy.  Today the surgeon told me that he is "very impressed and I am cleared to fully resume life!"  My bike is at the shop, and next week when I pick it up I will begin again on the greenway in pursuit of exercise, fresh air, and solitude with my thoughts.

Lastly, there is a push on this journey to increase my earnings to pay for medical bills (and new tires) so I am trying to buckle down and "sew to sell"  I have a T-shirt quilt that I have been commissioned to create for a fellow Mommy friend, and have begun sewing seasonal items like table runners for fall and football season.  Need to set a date for my Tupperware open house and sell some of my samples at greatly reduced prices.

My last layer at this moment is eager anticipation of getting back to work on the farm. Lucky Ladd will use me in the fall, coming in September I will be weekends in the concession stand and week days with the field trip kids, looking forward to fall on the farm -- it really helps me to not miss Michigan so much in the fall, feels like the best of fall in Michigan can be found right here, without the worry of snow and frost on the pumpkin!  Memories of Halloween costumes with winter coats on under neath them!

Layers - lots of things going on, but together they blend to form the greatest gift - my sweet life!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sometimes life tosses one to you that you didn't see coming.  Sick day with a 7 year old.  Not all bad, I generally don't complain about them because they happen about once every 18 months.  Gives us some one-on-one time, an excuse for extra cuddles and to talk about whatever she wants to talk about -- insights!
We got a RX to get filled, went to Kroger -- Mom thinks double fuel points!  Ahh, but it was the first Wednesday of the month at 9am.  That translates into Senior Free Breakfast and get your month's worth of perscriptions filled.  We wandered around waiting, but ultimately gave up went for coffee and a donut and hit the pharmacy drive thru later.  They win, the elderly, those with failing bodies and minds, looking at me and my little girl walking around the grocery store thinking, I remember when.
This journey we're on, sometimes we are the little girl, sometimes the mom, and eventually the senior citizen.  That's what we get if we are lucky, all the layers -- and 50 bonus gas points!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Layers cut

Layers cut . . .  Happy March 1st!  Today I am happy to report I sent off emails to 2 companies that run the support services for my At-Home Direct Selling Business and said I no longer require their services!  That move cuts $15.95 a month in expenses, and leaves me with only $7.95 a month in monthly "open for business" fees on my web-site.  Yeah Me!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

So the layer of the day -- think like Culver's Flavor of the Day, or at Church the Hymn of the Day, Sesame Street's Letter of the Day . . . today's layer is Healthy Eating.
Ugh, that sounds dreadful.
Just back for the yearly appointment with the Doctor (who I genuinely like) and we have come to the place in our relationship where we don't toss RXs at conditions and label the conditions but we have adult discussions about the BIG picture.  So we talked about the BIG picture and broke it into daily choices. 
So we all know that I am as human as they come, and as soon as I make a resolution not to do something again, it pretty much becomes the object of my fixation.  That is not powerful for me in positive ways.  There is no success in I WILL do (insert blah blah here) and then instantly proving that I CAN NOT obstain from whatever the vice is.

I require a different, and for me, better approach.
Been thinking about this for a few days since Lent and Fat Tuesday are approaching. NOT Catholic any more but there are a few times that I revert to that which was pounded into my young brain, conversations at the doctors office and sitting the the safe spot during Tornado Warnings reciting the rosary. The rest of my days are happy in the Lutheran world of "by the Grace of God".

Tis wiser to make a 'better' choice today, than to over indulge in donuts, ice cream or mocha lattes because who's going to stop me or say out loud to me "no you can't have that!" ?

SIGH, I am going to TRY and eat one fruit and one vegetable every day of lent.

There, I said it, actually put it out into the world my intention.
Other items on the short list of to-dos is I must find a Fish Oil/Omega 3 that I don't burp back up.  Seriously tried everything on the shelf at the grocery store and had settled on Mega Reds but I would need to take 12 a day to get to 3 mg that I need, and after being on them for a year or more, I can burp them back now too.

And Then There is CARB COUNTING.  Which is a nice way of getting my husband and I on the same page, and building us up into a team effort. Our doctor is so intentional, hubby was seen the hour before I was seen, similar strategies on 2 patients living in the same house.

Sigh, ugh, I'm over it for today.  Change is stressful, and I know what I need to do, just not willing to do it right now, or think about it any longer for now.

Monday, January 30, 2012

So layers on the journey was going to be a try it and see if you like it thing for me. 
Guess I am liking it, but it makes me so much more philosophical than anything I've ever done, that part is a bit unsetteling.  The other thing that is unsetteling for me is more young people, and by that I mean "non-senior citizen types" that I am learning of passing.

When I was a kid, we'd go visit the cousins in Wisconsin once or twice a year.  Sometimes we would hang out with the other cousins, those would be cousins on the other side of my cousin's families.  I was not related, but my cousins were.  Anyway, one of those young ladies has been fighting a good fight for many years, and is about to close her chapter on this earth journey to continue it now with God.  Can't say I knew her well, my memories are she was funny when we were teens. I saw her last May at her Grandfather's funeral in Wisconsin, she was pleasant and not too willing to talk about herself, or her illness.  To read her FB page, she has been couragous and seems to never had a pity party about what life delt her.  There is much to learn by example there.

Tommorrow is Martin's memorial service, another one that left this world earlier than expected.

86,400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or to throw it all away, gotta tell 'em that you love them while you got the chance to say Gotta Live Like Your Dying.  lyric from Chris Allen

My experiences working in the funeral home taught me one lesson very loudly, with virtually every family that walked throught the doors.  You Reep What You Sew.  Whatever impression you made on people while you were here is exactly how they remember you after you pass.  The anecdote that they will tell your grieving spouse or family member is how you positively touched their lives and made an impression on them. 

Spend time intentionally layering yourself into this world in positive ways this is part of the journey.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Every now and then I take ONE daughter out to do something just the 2 of us. Today was A's day.
I was reaching for some less pathetic parallel about pancake layers and my theme, but here I sit at those crossroads.

So my intent is to build on some undivided attention and what do you want to talk about? Magically that does not happen on one busy, loud Saturday morning in the local IHOP. I did gain a wee small bit of insight into this complex being sitting across from me. Aside from her bottomless love of whipped topping, she really does not think about the future much. She has no long term plan or goal that she is working towards. Our 1st born lives for the moment, she is a Hear & Now being and maybe that is not such a bad thing.

She is not nearly as stressed out as those who preoccupy themselves with the what ifs and their past stumbles. Here I am. Now What? Well, Let's Have Fun Along This Journey!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Life's layers are sometimes filled in with those people who are taken out of our lives suddenly.  In the last 7 days I have learned of 2 men that I would call friends that passed unexpectedly.  Complex is this beast Facebook, for although I do not know how I would have learned of George's passing with out it, I do not like how fast news does travel with this beast.

George and I were friends in the Central Michigan University's Park & Rec program.  We attended the Disney College Program together and were room mates.  I attended his wedding and I think he attended mine. Although I had not seen him in 8 years or so, occasionally he would comment on something and I still enjoyed his dry sense of humor.  I hope your work on the SS City of Milwaukee continues on preserving what you poured so much of your life's purpose into.  You were a bright light in the world, optimistic about things that seemed so improbable sometimes.  Oh, and that crazy attempt with Dan to caravan 3 vehicles and a trailer from Mi to Fla. at least we all made it there.

Martin and I were in church together for 2 or 3 years and served on council together.  I sat in a lot of meetings with him and learned about him by watching him.  He was strong in his faith and convictions and even though we didn't always agree, I never thought it personal.  When my husband and I first arrived to that church Martin was one of those easy to talk to welcoming people, he made the awkwardness of the situation not so harsh.  Politically involved, knowledgeable, and a veteran he served God, country and family.

May both these men be at peace, your families will miss you greatly for you were taken so suddenly. Know that you touched my life, and overlapped onto the layers of my own.
Miss you guys, but I know I'll see you again!

clouds at sunset

Taken one January evening in Middle Tennessee. Notice how complex it is. Notice the depth and shadowing. Life is like this. Multi-colored, can you differentiate where one color ends and another begins. I think I am so fascinated with clouds because, like people, no two are alike, each is unique. You see the best or the worst they have to bring at any moment.  Man can not replicate by his own hand.