Monday, January 30, 2012

So layers on the journey was going to be a try it and see if you like it thing for me. 
Guess I am liking it, but it makes me so much more philosophical than anything I've ever done, that part is a bit unsetteling.  The other thing that is unsetteling for me is more young people, and by that I mean "non-senior citizen types" that I am learning of passing.

When I was a kid, we'd go visit the cousins in Wisconsin once or twice a year.  Sometimes we would hang out with the other cousins, those would be cousins on the other side of my cousin's families.  I was not related, but my cousins were.  Anyway, one of those young ladies has been fighting a good fight for many years, and is about to close her chapter on this earth journey to continue it now with God.  Can't say I knew her well, my memories are she was funny when we were teens. I saw her last May at her Grandfather's funeral in Wisconsin, she was pleasant and not too willing to talk about herself, or her illness.  To read her FB page, she has been couragous and seems to never had a pity party about what life delt her.  There is much to learn by example there.

Tommorrow is Martin's memorial service, another one that left this world earlier than expected.

86,400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or to throw it all away, gotta tell 'em that you love them while you got the chance to say Gotta Live Like Your Dying.  lyric from Chris Allen

My experiences working in the funeral home taught me one lesson very loudly, with virtually every family that walked throught the doors.  You Reep What You Sew.  Whatever impression you made on people while you were here is exactly how they remember you after you pass.  The anecdote that they will tell your grieving spouse or family member is how you positively touched their lives and made an impression on them. 

Spend time intentionally layering yourself into this world in positive ways this is part of the journey.

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